Contact Lenses

Contacts Lenses

Many people prefer their appearance without glasses. Contact lenses can achieve this without irreversible refractive surgery. Contacts allow for a wide field of unobstructed vision and increased comfort during sports and other recreations, may be used to enhance your appearance cosmetically, and are even frequently used for the treatment of certain eye conditions. Today, there are more convenient and healthy contact lens options than ever to satisfy a wider range of patients. In the United States, contact lenses are a prescription item, just like pharmaceuticals. By law, and for your safety, contact lenses must be properly fitted by an optometrist. Discuss with your doctor which lens options are right for you.

Getting the right prescription for your contact lenses begins with finding the right optometrist. Our optometrists understand how important clear vision and a well-fitting contact lens are to your overall wellness. He will use a deep understanding of your vision history to establish which contact lenses are right for you. We specialize in contact lenses for all types of eyes and has a selection that works for patients with astigmatism and keratoconus. If you need contact lenses and would like to schedule an appointment with us today.

Types of Lenses

At Tech Ridge Vision, we offer a number of different types of contact lenses to ensure that we have something that suits everyone. Whether you have healthy eyes or suffer from astigmatism, keratoconus, or other severe eye conditions, our doctors can find the right lens for you. Some of the products we offer include multi-focal, custom, soft, and soft toric lenses. Our brand-name selection includes:

  • Duette™ Multifocal ‐ Specifically designed for patients over 40, the Duette™ Multifocal lens offers benefits that are unavailable with other contacts. The binocular vision you will experience with Duette™ Multifocal lenses will allow you to see comfortably at all distances.
  • ClearKone® ‐ Our patients with keratoconus need a comfortable, convenient contact lens that can correct their blurry vision, and ClearKone® does just that. These innovative contact lenses are custom-fit to correct your vision needs.

Benefits of Contacts

Eyeglasses, although great for patients who wish to make a fashion statement, are not for everyone. If you are looking for a convenient, invisible solution to poor eyesight, contact lenses may be best for you. After inserting your contacts in the morning, you can forget you ever had vision problems. Great for physically active patients, contact lenses won’t slip off your face or get in the way.

Caring for Your Lenses

Keeping your lenses clean and moist will make them last longer and prevent them from irritating your eyes. Be sure to thoroughly wash your hands before handling your contacts to avoid transferring bacteria or harmful debris. Always use saline solution and contact lens solution to clean and store your lenses. Clean your contacts before each wear by placing your lens bowl up in your palm and filling it with a few drops of solution. Be sure to remove your contacts after the suggested length of wear has expired to allow your eyes to receive oxygen and keep your corneas from becoming disfigured.

During your consultation, our staff will discuss the proper care, as well as the application and removal instructions for your contacts.

Learn More about Contact Lenses

Our optometrists are experts in contact lenses and would love to help you find the right fit. We offer a variety of highly specialized lenses and will make sure to explain your options clearly so that you can find a quality lens that fits your lifestyle. To schedule an appointment, contact Tech Ridge Vision.